Friday, December 7, 2012

Week 2, Location 2: Precinct Line Rd & W Harwood Rd, Hurst, TX

"Then spake the Lord to Paul in the night by a vision, Be not afraid, but speak, and hold not thy peace: for I am with thee, and no man shall set on thee to hurt thee: for I have much people in this city."   - Acts 18:9-10

Time:  4:15  - 5:15 pm

Main Happenings:

1)  Honks of approval in the traffic
2)  Many thumbs up this time. 
3)  This time a few people called from their windows, "God bless you!" and other sayings.
4)  Met two Christians on the street and we introduced ourselves and talked.
5) And finally the grand finale: another "drive buy shouting".  A lady had her window rolled down and yelled out, "Hail Satan! Hail Satan!" as she pulled onto Precinct.

Sign Held:

What a day!  First of all, I'm sore in the legs and other places.  This time I was leaping and jumping in the air trying to get people to read the sign.  I was saying, "Come onnnn people! Wake up!"  Turn to Christ and live!”  And it did help.  I think more people saw the sign than if I wasn't jumping around.  Many people I noticed would begin by looking straight ahead, not noticing me, waiting at the light.  And then all of a sudden they would turn their head, probably because they saw a foolish idiot out there jumping around with a sign and they’re like, “I wonder what’s so important that he’s jumping and leaping in the air?” Then they read the sign.

An hour wasn't long out there though.  But a few interesting things happened today worth mentioning.  First, as always, the usual stuff happened: honks of approval in the traffic and a lot more thumbs up – more than usual I would estimate this time.  And this time a few people called out from their windows, “God bless you brother!” and other sayings.

I met a Christian brother that happened to be passing through the intersection.  He was getting all into it too!  He stood next to me for a minute or so and was jumping and pointing at my sign trying to get everybody to read it!  He was like, “Everybody look at this!”  I said my usual saying of, “I’m out here proclaiming Truth!” He said something like, “Amen brother!”

And then towards the end of my stay I met another Christian named Timothy.  He was riding by on his bike on his way to Lowe’s.  I told him I worked at Home Depot!  He was just saying how awesome it was to see the sign and then we got to talking.  He’s younger, I’d estimate 18-20 years old.  He said he had demon possession at one point in his life and a bunch of other bad stuff that happened.  He got saved at a skate park and now he preaches the gospel at the skate park and other places.  The first time he stood up and preached the gospel at the skate park, he said the whole park got silent.  Praise the Lord! 

I told him that I was pretty much out of church at the moment, so I don’t know what’s been happening with the youth, or even if any youth are on fire for the Lord nowadays.  He said, “Oh yeah, we’re out here and excited for the Lord and spreading the gospel.”  This kid was filled with the Spirit!  He gave me his number so I could text him the next times I’d be going out to the corners with my signs and if he would like to come along too. I told him I could always use the help.  And, conversely, I told him I’d love to come along with him and help him as he preaches the gospel too, maybe hold a few signs or something.

And finally the grand finale of the day: another “drive by shouting”.  Some lady, having her window rolled down, pulling onto Precinct Rd, shouted out, “Hail Satan! Hail Satan!” and off she drove!  It actually happened so quick.  I whipped around and tried to figure out what was happening, maybe if it was a joke or if she actually wanted to say more!

Strange.  Oh well.  

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